Although smoldering good looks hardly hurt when you’re looking to impress the ladies, they’re not the only way to get noticed in all the right ways. Being sexy, attractive, and downright irresistible on a deeper level is always the way to go, whether you’re interested in a relationship or just looking to get laid a lot more often.
A knock-out body and stunning looks may be enough to turn a man’s head, but most women want more than that, even if they’re only looking for a quick, casual, or temporary connection. Capture a woman’s interest on a deeper level, and you’ve got it made. Keep the following tips in mind to raise your chances of success.
1. Take more risks.
Bravery and confidence are among the most attractive traits a person can possess, especially if that person happens to be a man looking to drive the ladies wild, so it’s to your benefit to go out on a limb occasionally. You don’t even necessarily need to be a full-on daredevil to show you’re a risk-taker. Doing anything that shows you’re a fearless badass will do the job.
How you do that is up to you. Sure, big moves like being willing to perform on stage or otherwise step way outside of most people’s comfort zones are great. But even little things like loving scary movies or being willing to deal with a massive spider in the room can help.
2. Be intelligent and well-informed.
Being a great-looking dude with a full head of hair is great, but what’s in your head matters even more than what’s on it. You don’t necessarily need to give Einstein himself a run for his money, but you want to be capable of holding up your end of an intelligent conversation.
Read as much as possible – books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, and so forth. Stay in the know regarding current events and have well-formed opinions about them. Go out of your way to educate yourself further on topics you’re passionate about. A smart man who knows things is a man who’s damn near irresistible.
3. Be a man of integrity.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking integrity only matters when you’re looking for a long-term relationship. It makes a huge difference even when you’re only interested in casual sex, especially if you want to appeal to women with plenty of options to choose from when it comes to who they go home with.
Casual sex and one-night stands are completely acceptable things to want out of an interaction with another person, so there’s no need to play games to get what you want. Be honest about what you’re looking for, as well as what you’re not. Live by your own rules. Be a good guest and an even better host, whether or not you plan on seeing someone again.
4. Take pride in your appearance.
You don’t have to be blessed in the genetics department to attract women, but you do need to give some thought to the way you present yourself to the rest of the world. You can tell a lot about someone by how they dress and groom themselves, and you can absolutely bet that the women you’re looking to attract know that.
You don’t need to be dressed to the nines every day, but you should look put together. Wear clean clothes that fit you well and are accessorized pleasantly. Bathe and groom yourself daily. Smell good. And don’t forget to trim and clean your nails. More women look at those (and judge a man by them) than you may think.
5. Polish your seduction technique.
Naturally, it’s not enough to turn a woman’s head and get her to look your way in the first place. You want to be able to follow through on what you’ve promised her with that great first impression. Flirt with her. Pay her sincere compliments. Actively listen to her when it’s her turn to talk.
When it’s time to take things further, don’t rush ahead to the main event. Slow things way down. Take your time touching her, kissing her, and fully exploring her body. And don’t be afraid to make a little noise. Men aren’t the only ones who love to hear sounds of pleasure from their partners. Women love your moans, gasps, and other sounds just as much as you love theirs.
At the end of the day, an irresistible guy doesn’t have to fall all over himself, trying to get laid. He carries himself well and oozes confidence in the knowledge that he’s a catch and a conquest. He knows the figure he cuts speaks volumes all by itself. Try it! You’ll love the results you get, guaranteed.