Unlocking Female Pleasure: The Art of Achieving Orgasm

It takes some work to learn the art of female pleasure, since not all of them respond to stimuli in the same manner. Every single time you’re together, take time to observe your partner’s motions and look for clues that indicate her desire.

There’s more to arousal than simply fondling those most sensitive areas; for the female, the emotional realm and sexual atmosphere is equally as relevant.

While certain spots like the clitoris may send signals of passion directly to her brain, there are many other places spread throughout the female body that can be touched to ignite her pleasure. Tantric sex methods specialize in this.

The blazing pleasure that radiates through the most sensitive places and ravishes the mind enrapture women – and so it begins with the clitoris as an epicenter, sending waves of ecstasy to all corners.

The earlobe, neck, armpit crevices, sides flanking the bosom – these are all sites for female pleasure and arousal.

Softly grazing the insides of arms, coccyx, hips and buttocks – such touches create a flurry of delight. Kneading from the back up to the legs and feet have been known to send tremors through a woman’s body as passion permeates her veins.

The Preliminary Game of Foreplay

Women view each time they have sex as a unique opportunity to be explored and experienced, not just in a physical way but also emotionally. They love when their partner expresses their desire for her and how they can’t wait to undress her slowly, with exquisite sensuality that teases her skin and ignites her senses.

Their touch is gentle yet incredibly arousing as they unbutton the top of her dress one at a time, drawing out the anticipation until she is finally exposed.

The art of undressing someone should never be underestimated. From the very first moment, it can create an atmosphere of energy, fantasy and anticipation.

Even if it’s not their first time together, that feeling of discovery never fades away; it all boils down to how much he pays attention to every detail in order to really bring out the full potential of female pleasure.

Many women find sensual arousal more stimulating than actual intercourse. Through playful caresses and kisses along the body, she may even reach orgasm before they get too intimate!

The beauty of foreplay is that there are no limits – you simply let your imagination run wild while exploring each other’s bodies.

Here are a few other popular foreplay activities that will get her wet and wild:

  • Kissing, especially the neck and nipples
  • Giving her a massage
  • Oral play (including oral sex)
  • Touching the ears, face, and feet
  • Using food as part of your foreplay session
  • Engaging in light tickling
  • Mutual masturbation
  • Role playing
  • Dirty talk

Foreplay is an integral part of any sexual encounter, and it should be treated as such. Taking time to savor all of the sensations can result in more explosive orgasms when the time comes.

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The Vagina & Beyond

Although females tend to experience tenderness in the vaginal area, the major source for their pleasure is usually the clitoris and other erogenous areas.

Unfortunately, a misconception has been perpetuated regarding female sexuality that state only clitoral or vaginal orgasms are possible, making many women feel as if any other type of orgasms are rare.

The reality is that when a woman becomes aroused, these sensations can spread across her vulva and make penetration enjoyable due to the intimate nature it involves.

However, while penetration may give a woman satisfaction, it should be noted that the vagina has few nerve endings and thus does not directly result in pleasure.

The pubococcygeal (PC) muscle found at the base of the pelvis provides a huge boost in sexual sensitivity in regards to the vagina. With regular kegel exercises on a daily basis over time, this muscle will strengthen and lead to more elasticity within the vagina itself.

Additionally, when one voluntarily tightens up their vaginal muscles during intercourse with their partner(s), this can produce an even greater level of enjoyment for both parties involved. Finally, with clitoral stimulation comes with increased pleasure which radiates throughout her vagina.

The Climax & Orgasm

The thrill of each passing moment heightens and deepens the yearning for that ultimate pleasure. Shortly before it can be achieved, climax occurs – an apex of sensation that is caused by a desire to appease the body and eliminate tension through delightful rapture.

The areola dilate and the size of breasts become even greater, while the vaginal muscles loosen up in order to accommodate the penis.

At this time, the labia minora expands until they hang down as emotion intensifies. Immediately before orgasm happens, the clitoris tightens, vagina contracts and clenches around the phallus during penetration, while anal area also experiences sharp spasms.

There are three distinct kinds of female orgasm:

  • “Resolutory” which is an intense peak that arises after elating excitement
  • “Laola plateau or crest” which is not as robust but produces waves of pleasure that endure longer
  • “Sequential or multiple” which consists of numerous successive orgasms

Intense physical pleasure can also be triggered in a woman when her intimate areas are stimulated through the fabric of her clothes.

The nipples will become more firm, the vulva and vagina more moistened, and the sensation that radiates from the clitoris can be an intense and fiery burst of heat that begins in the pelvic region and may even reach further outward. This sort of pleasure peak is often strong enough to cause unexpected contractions or a momentary lack of consciousness.

While some may contend that it takes women longer than men to experience this level of pleasure, researchers acknowledge that this varies from individual to individual.

Multiple Orgasms

Female sexuality comes with an exclusive condition: when a woman experiences a series of consecutive orgasms in a short time frame, it is termed as being ‘multi-orgasmic’.

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Males, on the other hand, once they reach the peak of arousal, must enter into a period of refractory before they can become aroused again.

But for women, this isn’t necessary as their physiology and hormones differ from that of males. As long as the partner keeps stimulating her after the first orgasm has been achieved, subsequent orgasms can be experienced without stopping.

When one is aware of when his partner reaches her peak level of pleasure, it is possible to unlock multiple orgasms by continuing to stimulate her without interruption.

When the a second orgasm is achieved – which doesn’t always happen right away – then it can be repeated many times over. There’s no limit to how many times a woman can come provided she has enough energy and isn’t too exhausted from all the pleasure!

Here’s a few tips to help give her multiple orgasms:

  1. Focus on the clitoris during foreplay and sex, as this area is most sensitive to stimulation.
  2. Make sure to keep the same intensity of stimulation, even after she has achieved orgasm, to continue the pleasure and unlock multiple orgasms.
  3. Experiment with different sex positions and techniques to find what works best for her.
  4. Incorporate other kinds of physical pleasure such as massage or light touches in between and during orgasms.
  5. Toys can also be helpful to add extra stimulation, if both partners are comfortable with incorporating them.

Anal Orgasms

Anal orgasms, while not as conventional for women, can also lead to an increase in sexual pleasure. The anus has abundant nerve endings and is more responsive than the vagina when it comes to stimulation.

Rubbing or gently penetrating her anus while engaging in vaginal sex is a surefire way to liven things up and really turn her on.

Some women might be uncomfortable with it, but it’s worth a try as it can lead to some mind-blowing orgasms. Experimentation is key in finding what works best for both partners.

If she’s into it, you can try these anal sex friendly sex positions:

  • Doggy Style: This one is the classic anal sex favorite
  • Reverse Cowgirl: This position allows to easily adjust the angle of penetration to avoid any pain and gives her control over the sensations she’s feeling
  • The Butterfly Position: With her legs raised, more access is given for deeper penetration without putting too much strain on your partner

A Note on Female Ejaculation

During sexual excitement, many women experience an increase in lubrication caused by the dilation of blood vessels in the vaginal walls. This moisture helps to create a more pleasurable and comfortable experience for both partners during sexual intercourse.

While certain experts contend that certain women can achieve ejaculation by stimulating their G-spot, producing a discharge of semen-like liquid through the urethra (aka “squirting”), this is not a common occurrence.

The majority of women do not expel any sort of liquid during climax, and no, female ejaculation is not pee.

Matt Manes

Matt Manes

I am the original creator of the Mixxxer hookup app which became one of the most popular hookup services on the web.

Over the years, I've observed and learned a great deal about what works and what doesn't when it comes to dating and hooking up online.

While most guys learn through trial and error, I learned through analyzing the data from the millions of Mixxxer members we catered too.
