Attracting interest from other singles via your dating platform of choice isn’t all that hard. However, there’s a world of difference between the type of people you attract without a strategy and the kind drawn in your direction when you put some thought into how you present yourself.
The hotter and sexier the person, the more options they’re doing to have to choose from. You need to give them a reason to look your way instead of giving their time to someone else. Here’s a few tips to help you do exactly that.
Don’t skimp on the pictures.
Don’t let anyone tell you looks don’t matter when it comes to dating. They count even if you’re looking for a connection that’s more than skin deep, so you can imagine how important they are when you’re more interested in hooking up and keeping things casual. Both men and women are incredibly visual creatures, so adopt a “more is more” approach to pictures.
The key to success here is to make sure those pictures are high in quality and recent. They should also be diverse, making it easy to get a read on what you look like, as well as what it might be like to date you. Choose the best of the bunch to use as your main profile pic to make sure the right people are taking a second look.
Scope out what’s working.
No two dating platforms are exactly alike. Each one caters to a slightly different crowd, so what works well on one might not do the job on another. It’s well worth your while to scope out the competition and see what they’re doing to attract the interest they want. Then think about how you can apply what you’ve learned to your own profile.
You’ll also want to think about how you can stand out. What’s awesome about you? What do your friends and acquaintances continuously point out as your greatest strengths and best qualities? Play those up in your profile. Even if you’re not looking for a relationship, showcasing your attributes as a person can make you seem hotter, sexier, and more desirable.
Get straight to the point.
People don’t have very long attention spans, especially these days. Most have infinite individuals and things vying for their time at any given moment, so if you want someone’s attention, you’ll have to grab it quickly. That means being as economical as possible when it comes to your words, especially on your profile.
Go for short paragraphs, each about a different tidbit from your life.
Most people skim profiles, at least at first, and keeping things brief makes it easy for interested folks to find what they’re looking for.
The same goes for messages and emails, so don’t be too long-winded. Show you read their profile, but don’t write them a novel. Get to the point, both when initiating a connection and responding to messages you receive.
Don’t include a list of deal breakers.
Although it might seem like you’re merely being clear about what you’re looking for, listing all the things you don’t want in a dating prospect pretty much always works against you. Take a moment to think about what you’d think if you were checking out some hottie’s profile only to see they’ve included a long list of things you’re not allowed to be if you want a chunk of their time. Even if you’re none of the things listed, you’re going to be concerned that the person is nitpicky, stuck-up, judgmental, or otherwise high maintenance.
Listing all your deal breakers isn’t going to keep those you’re not interested in from taking up your time. However, it will scare away a lot of the more desirable people on the platform. Given a choice between someone who might be negative and countless other people who seem easy going and fun, who would you choose?
Be open and flirty in your interactions.
When you find yourself talking to someone who seems like a real home run, you want to let them know you’re interested without laying it on too thick right away. In real life, you’d smile, laugh, and look for friendly little ways to touch the person. However, the best way to do this online is to be playful, open, social, and engaging in your messages.
Use your word choices, punctuation like exclamation points, and emojis to get your point quickly and clearly across. A little light-hearted flirting does the job, as well. Once you know they’re into you, you can turn up the dial a little bit, but in the meantime, focus on keeping things fun and appealing.
Ultimately, the most desirable people on your dating platform of choice are looking for someone who stands out in all the right ways. Don’t be afraid to be that person, and it won’t be long before it pays off.