Break-ups not only happen to the best of us, but they’re nothing if not complicated. Sometimes they’re unwanted, while other times they’re almost a relief. All of them can leave a person feeling like they’re not quite themselves for a while. Taking some time to yourself to get your bearings and regroup can be therapeutic for a while, but sooner or later, you’re going to be itching to get back to normal. Here are a few tips for coming back strong and getting your life back on track once you’re ready.
1. Cleanse your social media of their presence.
Whether or not you think the break-up was for the best, it’s impossible to move past it if your ex is constantly turning up in your social media feeds. Unless there’s some reason the two of you need to stay in touch, unfriend and block them. This not only keeps them from showing up in the comment sections of mutual friends, but it will help curb the temptation to check in on them when you’ve got a little too much time on your hands. It also stops them from secretly checking up on you. While you’re at it, consider deleting their number from your phone as well.
2. Reconnect with your friends.
When you’re used to having a significant other around, going back to spending most of your time alone can be tough. This is the perfect time to catch up with friends and rekindle some connections that may have fallen by the wayside while you were still attached. Let your squad take you out on the town and show you a good time. Vent your heart out to your best friend. Go dancing, and stay out all night long. Do all those little things that remind you how awesome it can be to hang out with people other than your ex.
3. Have a blast doing something they hated.
Even great relationships sometimes find people compromising on who they are in favor of strengthening their connection to their partner. For instance, you probably stopped doing things you really enjoyed or held off on something new you wanted to try because your ex wasn’t into it. Now’s the time to go ahead and indulge yourself when it comes to all of those things. Order takeout from the restaurant you loved, but they hated. Rearrange the furniture the way you liked it, but they didn’t. Sign up for those skydiving lessons they didn’t like the idea of. You get the picture.
4. Reinvest in your appearance.
Most people tend to get overly comfortable when they’re in a relationship, and they let their appearance fall by the wayside as a result. A break-up is the perfect reason to get yourself back on track. Spend some of that extra free time getting back to business at the gym. Treat yourself to a new haircut or some smokin’ new additions to your wardrobe. Spending time on yourself in this way is a great way to boost your self-esteem and make your life about you again, as well as get ready to dive back into the dating pool when you’re ready.
5. Take up a new hobby or interest.
Since you can’t be with your friends and family all the time, it’s a good idea to find enjoyable new ways to spend time in your own company. Now’s a great time to learn something new or explore a pastime that you were too busy to get started with before. For best results, pick something truly challenging that won’t leave you with too much time to think about or miss your ex. You’ll be doing something truly awesome for yourself and healing from your break-up.
6. Go ahead and get laid.
Sooner or later, you’ll feel ready to scratch that all too familiar itch, but likely won’t be ready to jump back into another relationship. This is a great time to just enjoy the single life and keep things casual for a while. Chat up whoever catches your eye when you’re killing time at the club or your favorite bar, and take someone home if the mood hits you right. Sign up for an account on a hookup app, and connect with a sexy single in your area for some easy, hot, no-strings-attached fun. Just be safe and responsible about how you do things, and you’re free to get laid to your heart’s content.
While breaking up is never easy, there’s a lot to be said for living the single life as well. Now’s the time to focus on yourself, rebuild your relationships with your social circle, and explore all of the awesome experiences you didn’t have room for in your life when your ex was around. Jump in feet first, and enjoy it!