How to Know if She’s Checking You Out: Top 20 Signs

If you’re a man, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as knowing that you’ve caught a woman’s eye. But how can you tell if she’s actually interested, or just looking in your direction? Here are a few tell-tale signs that she’s checking you out.

“Men are very visual creatures. If they see something they like, they’re going to stare at it. Woman are far more subtle in how they observe someone they’re interested in and how they communicate their interest,” says Linda Roberts, a clinical psychologist.

So, if you happen to catch a woman staring at you, it’s a pretty good indication that she’s interested. But Roberts says there are other telltale signs to look for as well.

I’ve always though it was best to learn how to spot their interest first before learning how to approach a woman. So here is a list of the top signs a woman is checking you out and like what she sees!

1. She maintains eye contact with you for an extended period of time.

When a woman is interested in a man, she’s going to want to make sure he knows it. One of the ways she’ll do that is by making and holding eye contact.

“If a woman is interested in a man, she will often hold his gaze for an extended period of time. She may even look away and then back again to make sure he’s still looking at her,” says Roberts.

2. She smiles at you often.

A woman’s smile is one of the most powerful weapons in her arsenal, and she’s not afraid to use it when she’s interested in a man.

“If you notice a woman smiling at you from across the room, it’s a pretty good indication that she’s interested. A woman’s smile is a way of saying ‘Come talk to me, I’m interested in you,'” says Roberts.

3. She fixes her hair constantly when she notices you looking.

A woman is also going to want to look her best when she’s trying to catch a man’s eye. So, if you notice a woman fixing her hair or straightening her clothing when you look in her direction, it’s a good sign that she’s interested.

“A woman will often touch or fix her hair when she’s interested in a man. It’s a way of drawing his attention to her and making sure he knows she’s available,” says Roberts.

4. She checks her watch or phone when you check yours.

This one is a bit of a giveaway. If you notice a woman checking her watch or phone at the same time you’re checking yours, it’s a pretty good sign that she’s interested in you.

When we’re interested in someone, we often mirror their actions and body language.

“It’s a way of subconsciously saying, ‘I’m interested in what you’re doing. I want to know what you’re up to.’ It’s a way of trying to connect with you,” Roberts explains.

So if you notice a woman checking her watch or phone whenever you do, it’s a good sign that she’s trying to subconsciously keep track of your movements.

5. She makes constant glances towards you.

Another way to tell if a woman is interested in you is if she’s constantly glancing in your direction. This is another way of trying to establish a connection with you.

“It’s a way of trying to catch your eye and get your attention. She’s trying to send you a signal that she’s interested in you,” Roberts says.

If you catch her glancing at you, research shows that if she’s really interested, she will look at you again within 45 seconds.

If she is not interested, she will make an effort not to look in your direction. If she turns away, stops smiling, or purposefully avoids looking at you, drop her and look for another prospect.

6. Your friends notice her checking you out.

If you’re not sure whether or not a woman is interested in you, ask your friends. Chances are, they’ve been watching the situation unfold and they’ll be able to tell you if she’s been checking you out.

“Your friends are going to be more objective in their assessment of the situation. They’ll be able to tell you if she’s been making eye contact with you, or if she’s been trying to catch your attention in some way,” Roberts says.

7. She giggles when you make a joke.

Women are biologically programmed to giggle when they’re attracted to someone. And while it might seem like a mocking laugh, it’s actually a sign of interest.

“When a woman is attracted to a man, she will often giggle or laugh when he makes a joke, even if it’s not that funny. It’s a sign of flirting and interest,” says Roberts.

8. She mirrors your body language.

Body language is a huge part of attraction, and if a woman is interested in you, she will mirror your body language.

“If you notice a woman mimicking your body language, it’s a sign that she’s interested in you. For example, if you lean forward, she will lean forward. If you put your hands on your hips, she will do the same. It’s a nonverbal way of saying, I’m into you,” explains Roberts.

9. She crosses and uncrosses her legs when you do.

Have you ever noticed that when you cross your legs, the woman you’re talking to suddenly does the same? It’s not a coincidence.

“This is a definite sign of interest. It’s called ‘mirroring,’ and we do it unconsciously when we like someone. It’s a way of indicating that we’re on the same wavelength,” Roberts explains.

So if you notice her crossing and uncrossing her legs when you do, it’s a good sign that she’s interested.

10. She stands near you in line or at the bar.

Women tend to be more subtle than men when it comes to flirting. If you’re standing near a woman in line or at the bar and she’s not making an effort to move away, it’s a good sign that she’s interested.

11. She buys you a drink.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you don’t take the hint, you have no business trying to pick up woman.

If a woman buys you a drink, it’s a clear sign that she’s interested. So take it as a cue to strike up a conversation.

12. She accidentally bumps into you.

Accidental physical contact is a dead giveaway that a woman is interested in you. If she’s looking for an excuse to touch you, it’s a sure sign that she’s attracted to you.

“When we like someone, we want to be near them. We want to touch them. So, if a woman accidentally brushes up against you or touches you while she’s talking, it’s a sign that she’s interested,” says Roberts.

13. She starts talking to you about random things.

If a woman starts talking to you about random things, it’s a good sign that she’s trying to strike up a conversation.

She might be asking you for directions or comments on the weather, but whatever she’s saying, it’s a way to start a dialog and get to know you better.

“It’s a way of gathering information about you without being too obvious. If she asks you personal questions right away, she might come across as too forward. But by talking about random things, she’s trying to get a sense of who you are and whether you’re someone she’d like to get to know better,” Roberts explains.

14. She laughs at all your jokes, even if they’re not funny.

This is a classic sign that someone is interested in you. They want to find common ground and bond with you over shared experiences and humor is a great way to do that.

“Laughter is a great way to break the ice and it’s also a sign that someone is enjoying your company. If she’s laughing at all your jokes, even the bad ones, it’s a pretty good indication that she’s interested in you,” says Roberts.

15. She finds excuses to touch you.

We all know that physical contact is a way of flirting, but sometimes it’s hard to tell if a woman is just being friendly or if she’s actually trying to touch you.

“If a woman is interested in a man, she’s going to find ways to touch him. It might be a light touch on the arm or shoulder, or she might accidentally brush up against him,” says Roberts.

16. She hangs around you even if you’re not talking to her.

This one is a bit more subtle, but it’s definitely a sign that a woman is interested in you.

“If a woman is interested in a man, she’s going to want to be near him. She might not always be talking to him, but she’ll be in his vicinity,” says Roberts.

So, if you notice a woman hanging around you even when you’re not talking to her, it’s a good indication that she’s interested.

17. She asks your friends about you.

One of the most common ways women express interest in a man is by asking his friends about him.

“Woman will often find an excuse to talk to a man’s friends in order to learn more about him. She may ask them what he’s like, what he’s interested in, or what he’s been up to,” explains Roberts.

If you notice a woman talking to your friends more than usual, there’s a good chance she’s interested in you.

18. She licks her lips anytime she looks at you.

This is a pretty clear-cut sign that she’s interested. “When we see something we like, our brains release dopamine, which is a feel-good chemical. The physical response to this dopamine release is often an unconscious licking of the lips,” says Roberts.

Of course, it’s possible that she’s just thirsty. But if you happen to notice that she does this every time she looks in your direction, it’s a pretty good bet that she’s interested.

19. She walks past you and looks back.

This is a classic sign that someone is interested in you. They want to see if you’re looking at them, and if you are, it signals that you’re interested as well.

“When someone is interested in you, they’ll want to make sure you’re looking at them. They’ll walk by and then look back to see if you’re looking. It’s a subtle way of flirting and gauging your interest,” Roberts explains.

20. You notice her friends checking you out too.

Another way to tell if a woman is interested is to pay attention to her friends. If they’re also looking in your direction and smiling, it’s a good sign that she’s interested.

“Women are very social creatures. They often share their interest in someone with their friends as a way of getting feedback,” says Roberts.

So, if you notice a woman and her friends looking your way, it’s a good indication that she’s interested.

So She’s Interested, Now What?

So she’s shown a few of the signs that we mentioned above and you know she’s interested. You’re already half way there.

Now it’s time to make a move. Check out our pro tips on flirting to help you seal the deal!


Ruth Thomas

Ruth Thomas

Hi! My name is Ruth! I am a sex therapist and a happily married swinger (for 20 years now).

I have a PhD in human sexuality and a masters in counseling. I've been helping people improve their sex lives for over 25 years.

I am a member of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) and the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM).

I'm here to help people explore their sexuality and find what works for them. Whether it's with one partner or many, in a committed relationship or not, I believe that everyone deserves to experience the joys of a fulfilling sexual life.
