Hot, sweaty, satisfying sex isn’t just for those in relationships anymore. Not only are more people having casual sex than ever, but it’s becoming increasingly socially acceptable as well. It only makes sense that you’d be thinking about snagging your own piece of that sweet, no-strings-attached action. However, as fun as casual sex is, it’s not for everyone. Here’s how you can tell whether or not it’s right for you before you dive right in yourself.
So Why Isn’t Casual Sex for Everyone?
Whether it’s seen as a sacred way to connect with a partner or just an extra-fun way to spend a Saturday night, sex is about something different to everyone. It can also mean different things to the same person at different points in life, so anyone interested in going the casual route should think about why they’re considering it right now.
Why are you interested in having casual sex? Are you having an especially rough time with life for one reason or another and hoping this is the way to handle things? Definitely proceed with caution and make sure you’re not making matters worse. If you simply love sex, but don’t happen to be interested in a relationship right now (or at all) though? You’ll definitely have fun giving it a whirl.
4 Signs It’s Not for You
Not quite sure whether your uncertainty is a case of nerves or an actual sign that you’re making a mistake? The following are some good signs that no-strings-attached sex probably isn’t the best thing for you, at least for now.
You really did just break up with someone you were serious about.
This is probably the most common reason a person who isn’t a fit for casual sex might go around having as much of it as they can handle anyway. Casual sex is fun because it’s meaningless and carefree, but that won’t be the case if you’re having it specifically to fill the void left by a relationship.
You actually want to be in a relationship.
If you really do like relationships and hope to find one soon, casual sex can be pretty counterproductive. It’s only going to get in the way of your finding someone who ultimately wants the same thing you do.
You’re doing it to build self-esteem.
The ideal person for a casual sex lifestyle isn’t still trying to overcome insecurity issues. They’re already confident, sure of themselves, and comfortable in their own skin. Again, meaningless sex is supposed to be meaningless. If you’re doing it to feel better about yourself, it won’t be that.
There are feelings involved on either end.
Are you pursuing casual sex with someone you have feelings for because you feel like it’s the only way to have them? Do they have feelings for you? For casual sex to be as awesome as it should be, it needs to be casual for both parties involved.
4 Signs You Should Go All In
For some people, casual sex is nothing short of a revelation that makes them wonder why they ever managed their sex life any other way. If you’re one of these people, some of the following might sound familiar to you.
Relationships are too time-consuming for you.
Don’t get us wrong. Relationships can be great, but they require a fair amount of time, attention, and dedication. Busy or driven people often don’t have that to give of themselves, making casual sex a much better way to get their needs met.
You’ve never understood why sex has to “mean something”.
Some people just plain aren’t wired for long-term commitment. They don’t like the idea of being tied down or having to consider how their everyday decisions affect someone else. They just want to get laid when, where, and with whom they want to, no questions asked and no strings attached.
You’re a free spirit to the bone.
Not everyone is in a position to live life completely on their own terms, but if you are, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t take advantage of it both in and out of the bedroom. Casual sex is a perfect fit for someone with a carefree lifestyle who strongly prefers not to be tied down in any way.
You love experiencing different people.
There’s nothing quite like a first time with a casual sex partner or even a stranger. It’s exciting, it’s erotic, and it’s positively electric. Plus, every person brings their own special spice toe the table when it comes to sex. If that’s what sex is all about for you, then you’re definitely a fit for the casual life.
Casual, no-strings-attached sex can be amazing for the right person. Mixxxer can make it even easier and more fun to find sexy, fun-loving singles that are as carefree as you are. Try it on for size today!