Don’t get us wrong porn is awesome. It’s hot, it’s entertaining, and it’s reliable when it comes to upgrading your personal time in all the right ways. If you’re like most people – especially most guys – porn probably also gave you your first up close and personal look at what sex was like.
But not everyone understands just how big a role fantasy plays in how porn plays out. In fact, a lot of what guys think they know about how to handle things in the bedroom thanks to porn is downright false, so it’s essential to be able to tell the difference. The following are some of the more persistent porn myths that absolutely refuse to die.
1. Being good in bed means saying ‘yes’ to everything
If most porn films are to be believed, being a world-class lover and having sexual boundaries are mutually exclusive concepts. Whether they’re male or female, people in porn films who are good in bed are invariably also people who never say “no” to anything, let alone have hard limits they don’t compromise on.
In the real world, everyone has sexual boundaries, and the best lovers aren’t afraid to communicate theirs (not to mention respect other people’s). It’s always a positive thing to be open to new experiences, but no one should ever feel pressured to do things that make them genuinely uncomfortable.
2. Penetration is what pleasing a woman is all about
According to porn, a man’s penis is basically a magic wand capable of making a woman orgasm mere minutes after it penetrates her. This porn myth gives both men and women the impression that something’s wrong if a woman can’t reach untold orgasmic heights after a minute and a half of penetration alone.
The truth is that most women need more than just penetration to reach orgasm at all. And those who can accomplish that via intercourse alone aren’t typically doing it after just a few seconds of it. Sure, instantaneous orgasms look hot when they happen in porn, but you’ll save yourself a lot of frustration if you stop expecting them to happen in real life.
3. Pornstars are the standard everyone should meet
When was the last time you saw a pornstar who had any sort of noticeable imperfection going on? Remember, porn is all about offering viewers the ultimate fantasy to get off to. There’s no room for love handles, wrinkles, pimples, or anything else that might make a person seem less than ideal.
The same goes for their performance in bed. The men never lose their erections or fail to have at least one orgasm, and the women pretty much always have several effortless orgasms of their own. Forget about any scenarios that involve someone turning down sex because they’re tired, farting by accident, or coming across as anything less than flawless. All of those things (and more) are things that sometimes happen when you’re having real sex.
4. Jackhammering is the way to go in bed
There’s a lot that looks fantastic when it happens in porn that really doesn’t translate into real life. Jackhammering is toward the top of the porn myth list on that front. On film, jackhammering makes a guy come across as virile, fit, and possessed of unparalleled bedroom skills because how else could he keep that up otherwise?
In reality, though, only some women like that or think it feels sexy. It doesn’t get most women any closer to those orgasms you’re trying to get them to have, and it’s not a sure thing. So, make sure that’s something your partner likes before you go full jackhammer on her.
5. You don’t need lube because there’s spit
In porn films, you rarely see people reach for the lube. That’s because they inhabit a magical world where spit is all you need to facilitate a quality sexual experience. In real life, though, spit should be considered a last resort because there are so many better alternatives out there.
Personal lubes made for the job at hand work so much better. They last longer, they feel better, and they’re formulated to elevate sex in many ways. There are many different kinds you can try, too – like extra-pillowy lubes that are super for anal or warming/cooling lubes that let you play with temperature when you’re in bed together.
So, at the end of the day, porn is great for what it is – especially if you’re looking to explore a pet fantasy or blow off a little steam. But it’s important to understand that there’s as much movie magic going on there as there is in any big-screen blockbuster. Real sex is a little messier and more awkward than that, but it’s no less awesome for that fact.