It goes without saying that fun sex is an important part of any rich, full life well-lived. But when life gets really busy, making time for sex can be something of a challenge, especially if you’re not in a relationship. Not only do you need to make time and energy for the sex itself, but you need to carve out time to go on dates or get out and meet people, as well.
So, if you’ve ever felt like it just shouldn’t be that hard to get laid when you want to, there’s good news. It doesn’t have to be. All you need is a little creativity and background knowledge as far how to improve things. Here’s a closer look at everything you need to know.
Keep things casual for a while.
When you’re in a relationship, having more fun sex when you’re busy is mostly a matter of coordinating your schedule with your partner’s. Things get a little trickier when you’re single and looking for a new other half to call your own, though. Not only is dating itself time-consuming, but when the end goal is to wind up with a long-term partner, it’s hard to make enough time to build a relationship.
So, if life’s really got you running on all cylinders lately, maybe it’s time to consider whether a traditional relationship is really the best choice at the moment. Although there’s definitely nothing wrong with relationships, many busy people find a more casual approach to fun sex to be a lot more manageable. It’s certainly a way to get your needs met without also having to make room for a huge commitment to another person.
Connect with like-minded people.
If you’re a career-oriented doer type, you’ll have an easier time connecting with other people who have the same priorities you do. And this is the case whether you’re taking a traditional approach to dating or not. When you barely have time to get laid on a regular basis, the last thing you want to be doing is wasting a lot of time explaining your priorities to someone who just doesn’t get them.
So, until your schedule opens up a bit, pass on people who can’t appreciate what you’re trying to do with your life. Stick to other people who are busy, too, and aren’t going to take it as personally if life makes you a little late or demands that you reschedule a date now and then.
Embrace app-based and online dating.
Whether you’re interested in an actual partner or simply looking for a better way to line up a one-night stand when you’re in the mood, you can save a lot of time by switching things up as far as how you meet people in the first place. Although going to bars, clubs, parties, and mixers is all fine and dandy, there’s never any real guarantee you’ll meet anyone worthwhile. After all, people go out socializing for all sorts of reasons, and sex is only one of them.
You can cut a lot of hassle out of the equation by embracing online and app-based dating options, if you haven’t already. For starters, everyone you’ll meet through an actual dating platform is there for the same reasons you are, so you don’t have to waste energy trying to figure out who’s available and interested. Plus, you can browse members, chat people up, and schedule dates whenever you have a few minutes to do so, whether that’s on your lunch hour or while you’re waiting in line for your latte at the coffee shop.
Try a mobile fun sex finder on for size.
If you’re not interested in any sort of ongoing relationship at all, you might want to consider switching things up a bit as far as the dating platforms you use to meet people. Although people do use simple, easy apps like Tinder to meet potential hookup partners, you’re still likely to waste a lot of your precious time finding someone who’s strictly interested in that, as well.
And letting someone think you’re at least potentially interested in something more just to get laid often turns out to be more trouble than it’s worth. Although some people understand the shot and won’t make a big deal out of it if someone, they sleep with ghosts them, there are plenty out there who either won’t have it at all or take a really long time to get the hint.
Those strictly interested in quick, no-strings-attached sex have much better luck using mobile sex finders and “hookups only” apps instead. Everyone on platforms like those is looking for the same thing, so there’s no beating around the bush and no games to play – just hot, ready, available sex on demand wherever you happen to be at the moment.
Be perpetually ready for opportunities.
When you’re busy, you need to make the most of golden opportunities to get it on whenever, wherever, and however they might present themselves. Not only is spontaneous, impromptu fun sex smoking hot in and of itself, but it’s a great way to take care of your needs in between more calculated efforts to get laid. But even the hottest encounters aren’t worth risks like unplanned pregnancy, STIs, or sexual health issues.
So, make it a point to be fully prepared for action at all times. Stay stocked up on condoms and protection. Keep your living space clean and ready to entertain a little company at a moment’s notice, especially when it comes to your bedroom. Keep lube on hand, as well as any toys you like to use with your sex partners charged up and ready to go. And make sure you’ve got protection on you when you’re away from home, too, just in case you won’t be taking the party back to your place.
At the end of the day, having as much hot, wild fun sex as you want is doable no matter how busy your schedule may be. You just need to make a few adjustments, and it’s all good.